By displaying related posts, you are helping to increase user engagement and keep visitors on your site for longer. Related Posts Thumbnails Plugin for WordPress also makes it easy to increase user engagement with options for customizing related posts' appearance and display settings.
Thumbnails can be arranged in columns under the Post with related posts' titles/excerpts under each post thumbnail. You can customize the colors of the background, border, text, text sizes, background on mouse-over, etc.
You can specify the number of related posts to display. It can be anywhere from 1 to 10 etc.
You can select categories to show and to include. You can also choose the type of relation – categories, tags, categories, and tags, random or custom taxonomies.
You can specify a date for the related posts to be shown. It ensures that only new posts are displayed.
You can specify where to display related posts – choose page type (main or single), post type, and select custom post types.
You can customize style settings such as full text, title, excerpt length, etc.
5 out of 5 stars
I’m excited that I was able to use this plugin on my site. It helps keep my visitors engaged on my site with similar content. I was able to style the content fairly easily because WPBrigade wrote the plugin with standard structures and definitions. Thank you WPBrigade!
Great plugin: more thanks to the creators. One of the main advantages of the plugin is that it does not slow down the site (almost most plugins in this category slow down the site). That’s why I gave it the highest rating. I ask the creators to add the ability to disable thumbnails in the settings in the future (sometimes you want to use a simple list without thumbnails).
Used this plugin for several years on a high traffic site. It performs well and does what I need it to. Support for the plugin is excellent.
Thank you for this excellent plugin. Is there a way to make the images lazy load? These thumbnail images is the only warning i get about images on gtmetrix
I used this plugin to add posts related by category and tab and it worked simply and effectively. Thanks!
Displays related posts and thumbnails at bottom of post, allowing a degree of customisation.
Setting up Related Posts Thumbnails is fast and easy, and you can customize the look & feel of your related posts area with multiple style settings. You can easily change the background colors, border, text, text sizes, and background on mouseover. You can customize the title and excerpt length to create a unique look for your blog.
Related Posts Thumbnails is incredibly accurate and flexible when displaying related content. You can specify the number of related posts to display, the start date, categories to show on and to include, and top text. You can even select the relation type, such as categories, tags, and tags, random or custom taxonomies.
You can display related posts anywhere on your blog or website. You can select page type (main or single) and Post type, as well as categories and tags to show on. You can even specify the default image URL for posts without featured images.
Related Posts Thumbnails is incredibly fast and lightweight, allowing you to enhance your website's loading speed and improve user experience.
Updating Related Posts Thumbnails is easy and fast. With just a few clicks, you can easily update the version of your plugin to get the latest features and bug fixes. You can also check the changelog to see what's new in each version.
Download the Plugin Now and Start Boosting Your Content Performance!
Get Related Posts NowYes, it's compatible with WooCommerce; you can display the social sharing buttons above or below the product description.
Installing the plugin is easy. Simply download the plugin file, unzip it, and upload the plugin folder to your WordPress plugins directory. Once activated, you can customize the related posts area on the plugin settings page.
You can specify where to display related posts – choose page type (main or single) and post type and select categories and tags to show on. You can also specify the default image URL for posts without featured images.
Yes, you can customize the style of your related posts area with multiple style settings. You can easily change the colors of the background, border, text and text sizes, and the background on mouseover. You can customize the title and excerpt length to create a unique look for your blog.
Yes, Related Posts Thumbnails is 100% free. You can download and use it without any cost.
If your theme supports the WordPress Posts Thumbnail feature and Post has a specified Post Thumbnail as seen on the Edit Post page, when this image will be used as a post thumbnail in related posts. The image size is determined by the plugin setting 'Post-thumbnails name'.
If your theme does not support the Post Thumbnail feature or Post has no assigned thumbnail, when the first image on the Post will be used as a thumbnail.
There is no direct support for external images in the current version of the plugin. You can use the custom field option. Or you can use https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/generate-post-thumbnails/ or a similar plugin to save external images as post thumbnails.
If no images of the specified size in the Post or file do not exist on the server, the default image will be used as a post thumbnail. You can upload your image on the server and specify its URL in plugin settings.