Tag Archives: tips

WordPress, WordPress development agency

Three Most Wanted Tricks For WordPress Developers

WordPress is a specially crafted platform to publish content on the web. Many of the big giant content publishers are using WordPress like CNN, NYTimes, etc. You, as a content writer, find WordPress deadly easy and super cool to work on because WordPress provides many customizations to make your content looks good, and also many of us are spending time to add some spice to WordPress. Here I want you to add even more to your content writing experience.
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WordPress nonce, What is WordPress nonce and how it works

What is WordPress nonce and how it works?

Today, I am going to share with you a tip that how we can make our WordPress plugins are themes more secure. I have seen in my plugins and themes where WordPress developers are not using WordPress nonces even though it is VERY important. If you are working as a WordPress freelancer developer and g custom plugins or themes, I am sure this article is going to be very helpful for you.
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