Category Archives: Tips and Tricks

How to clone a wordpress site

How to Clone a WordPress Site in 2024 (Step-by-Step)

Are you looking for a way to clone a WordPress site? If yes, you’ve come to the right place. 

Cloning a WordPress site is essential for developers, designers, and site owners, whether they are testing updates, migrating to a new host, or creating backups. 

In this article, we’ll explain the different step-by-step methods for cloning a WordPress site. By the end of this article, you’ll learn how to clone your WordPress site.

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Best wordpress blogs

30+ Best WordPress Blogs to Read in 2024

Are you looking for the best WordPress blogs to follow? Look no further!

WordPress is the world’s most popular content management system (CMS). It empowers over 43.3% of the web, and thousands of site owners provide valuable insights about it in their blogs.

WordPress blogs help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends, best practices, and more. With so many options available, you might get confused about which one to read.

Don’t worry! In this article, we’ve gathered a list of the best WordPress blogs that will educate you about WordPress.

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How to create Facebook App and get App ID and secret

How to create Facebook App and get App ID and secret?

Creating a Facebook App is no rocket science but it just needs clean steps to follow. Before we begin the suggested steps  to create a Facebook app, the reason must be vivid. Facebook Application ID is used to integrate  with the Social Media Sharing feature and  Facebook login integration on the website, which is usually recommended for protecting the sensitive information keeping intact.

It is because the moment a a Facebook App  is created that  app will have an App ID and an App Secret. Then the  the App ID  is utilized to  send several requests to Facebook for data. And The Facebook App Secret gets enable to decode the encrypted messages from Facebook. 

So here we can dive into the easy steps for creating Facebook App Id And Get App ID And Secret.

Step 1

Go to the Facebook Developers section and login into your Facebook account, if you are not logged in already. This should not be your business account.

Facebook AP ID and Secret Key

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wordpress tips and tricks, wordpress tips

Select Dropdown Countries Template for WordPress developers

Hello WordPressers,

I was working on a project where I had to add the countries dropdown on the signup page. So, for making select dropdown countries selection sticky in the case of error at signup, I needed to check the $_POST[‘countries’] with every option in the select dropdown. It seems a redundant effort to me as It took me 30 mins to do this task.

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Adnan, Asif, Devin and Matt

WordCamp Beauty through Asian Eyes

Today, I am going to share the experience of attending my first WordCamp. It was my first time in the U.S.A (and the time to Miami obviously). I stayed in the U.S.A for 20 days, traveled to four states, met a lot of great people, and visited a lot of awesome places. 10 days in Florida includes NASA, Universal, Lakes, Springs, Parks, Miami, and a special visit to KeyWest. Kudos to Asif, my buddy who drove me to all the places. I highly appreciate his support for everything he did for me during my trip.

Attending a WordCamp was a dream and when your dream comes true, you feel splendid. I received a comment on FaceBook checking that I am lucky to be there and yes I was lucky to attend this WordCamp.

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