Analytify WordPress Plugin, Google Analytics Plugin

5 Best Google Analytics WordPress Plugins

How do you know about, what’s happening on your WordPress website?

Do you even know which post got the most visitors? Which author is most popular in your audience? Or Do you even know which type of content your audience love to read on your website or what other content needs to be published on your website?

By getting such a type of Analytics, you can make your blog better in terms of content or any kind of service.  You can get these insights or analytics for your WordPress website from different types of WordPress Google Analytics plugins that will help you to organize your website in terms of content and services. These types of insight plugins will help you to boost your website traffic and increase your conversions.

Here, we are going to discuss the Best Google analytics plugins for WordPress that will guide you on how to increase your website traffic.

Best Google analytics plugins for WordPress


Analytify is one of the best Google Analytics WordPress Plugin, that will help you to easily understand the website analytics in a single dashboard inside your WordPress website. With Analytify you don’t need to understand or learn Google Analytics deeply. Simply, you need to install the Analytify plugin on your website and activate the plugin, and you will get the stats or insights about your website and the content of your website that you published on your blog.

Best Google Analytics plugins for WordPress, wordpress google analytics plugin

Analytify also provides you single post analytics or any page analytics of your website, Analytify also helps you to track that which social media platform generating more traffic on your website.

Analytify Google Analytics WordPress Dashboard Widget

Best Google Analytics WordPress Plugin, WOrdPress Google Analytics Plugin

You can also track different campaigns by implementing the UTM tags and this will happen in your WordPress website dashboard.

Analytify plugin has a different amazing feature called an E-commerce add-on that will help your E-commerce website to track the value of their average order, coupons, and refunds.

Simply, Analytify will help you in conversion optimization for your E-commerce website. This plugin also helps you identify the single product conversion rate plus which product needs more conversion optimization and also figure out which products are converting well.


  1. Events Tracking
  2. Forms Tracking
  3. Campaigns Tracking
  4. Ecommerce(WooCommerce & EDD) Tracking
  5. Search Terms
  6. Email Notifications Addon (To send the Analytics report weekly & Monthly)
  7. Demographics Analytics Report
  8. Authors Analytics
  9. Affiliate Links Tracking
  10. Custom Dimensions Tracking
  11. Google Optimize Integration
  12. Insertion of Google Analytics code in AMP Pages
  13. Search Terms Analytics
  14. Clicks Count Analytics
  15. Social Media Analytics
  16. File Downloads Tracking

Google Analytics by Monsterinsights

This plugin is developed by Yoast, Syed Balkhi’s MosterInsights in 2016. Both companies, Yoast and Syed Balkhi’s Monsterinsights are pillars in the WordPress community.

Same as Anlytify, this plugin provides you website analytics within your WordPress website dashboard. This plugin is available in both versions free and Premium. Here, we will discuss what you get in the free version then we will go for the premium version.

Google Analytics by MonsterInsights, Best Google Analytics plugins for WordPress websites
Google Analytics by MonsterInsights

First, we will discuss the free version of Monsterinsights, in the free version simply you need to add the Google analytics code in your Monsterinsights plugin to track the traffic of your website. Keep in mind that you will get the overall statistics of your website in the free version of MonsterInsights. There are no insights about every post or any single page insights. For this, you need to buy a premium version of MonsterInsight for your website to track the whole web insights about each and every post and author.

In both versions(Free & Paid) you will get the whole insights about your website that include Post and author insights, page insights, and other insights that include Downloads, Page views, events, Inbound links, and Outbound link clicks, etc.

In the premium version, you will also get insights about your E-commerce website same as the Analytify WordPress plugin.

Analytics Cat

Analytics Cat plugin is a very simple and lightweight WordPress Analytics plugin for WordPress websites.  Analytics Cat helps you to integrate Google Analytics with your website and you will not get any kind of insights in your WordPress dashboard from Analytics Cat.

Analytics Cat WordPress Plugin, top Google Analytics plugins for WordPress websites
Analytics Cat WordPress Plugin

To check the analytics simply you need to open the Google Analytics Separate to analyze the website insights and other analytics of your website like page views, Goals, etc. 


Jetpak isn’t just a WordPress Analytics plugin, this plugin provides many other options like better social media sharing, commenting, security, and backup

Like other analytics plugins Jetpack doesn’t help you to integrate Google Analytics in the free version.  In the free version of this plugin, you will get the analytics of your website related to your website pages, posts, and authors.

Jetpack WordPress Analytics Plugin, Best Google Analytics plugins for WordPress websites
Jetpack WordPress Analytics Plugin

You will get all of these analytics details in your WordPress dashboard you don’t need to visit Google Analytics for your website insights.

The paid version of this plugin will help you to integrate Google Analytics with your website and display the whole insights of your website in the WordPress dashboard, where you can easily get the insight results about pages views, page visits, bounce rate, and analytics about your blog content, author, and average time spend on a page and other important website metrics.

In the latest version of Jetpack Plugin, you can easily embed your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram posts on your website.

Clicky Analytics

Clicky analytics is an alternative to Google Analytics. Anyone can easily use this Clicky Analytics plugin and easily understand the website analytics without any expert-level knowledge means you don’t need to learn Google Analytics to understand the analytics or insights of your website.

Clicky Analytics Plugin for WordPress, best google analytics plugin for wordpress website
Clicky Analytics Plugin for WordPress

By using Clicky Analytics Plugin you can get results or track

  1. Visitors
  2. Actions are taken on your website
  3. Average time on site
  4. Average actions
  5. Bounce rate
  6. Campaigns
  7. Outgoing links

For a normal blogger, this plugin is very easy to use and easy to understand the analytics generated by this plugin instead of Google analytics which is very difficult to understand.

Clicky Analytics provides you the more accurate time that a user spent on your website than Google Analytics.

Clicky analytics got an amazing feature called “Big Brother”  that will help you to spy your real-time active users on your website that what actually user checking on your website.

There is a downside of the Clicky Analytics plugin that in the free version you will get results of 3,000 visitors only in the WordPress Dashboard. For more features like Google Analytics, you need to buy the Premium version of Clicky Analytics for more accurate results and to spy the  Real-time active users on your website.

Which Google Analytics WordPress Plugin is best for your website?

Every website owner or blogger has different requirements to check the insights of their website. Some of them are experts they don’t need to install any kind of plugins for their website analytics and some of them don’t know how to handle or track their data or insights of their website like form Google Analytics which is very difficult to understand for a normal person or a blogger and they want their analytics data within their website or dashboard of their websites instead of opening Google Analytics again and again.

So, here we will recommend Analytify and MonsterInsighhts, by using these two plugins we can easily track each and every activity on our websites including Campaigns by implementing the UTM tags plus we can also perform Conversion optimization for our E-commerce websites where we can easily track our orders, refunds, and Coupons. These are the best google analytics plugin for WordPress websites to track website traffic.

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