5 Free and Premium Material Design WordPress Themes, Material Design WordPress themes

5 Free and Premium Material Design WordPress Themes

Here are a lot of things going on in the Web Design industry and its design trends are moving really quickly. About 2 years ago, Flat Design has dominated the market and now Google’s Material Design is taking over.

We challenged ourselves to create a visual language for our users that synthesizes the classic principles of good design with the innovation and possibility of technology and science.

Just like Flat Design, Material Design also have the same focus but any important or primary parts of the website will be highlighted (with box-shadow, for example), more motion effects, and buttons.

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How To Translate a WordPress Plugin Into your Local Language

How To Translate a WordPress Plugin Into your Local Language

As you already know that WordPress is an open-source platform and it is translated into many languages by different contributors. Most plugins are already translated into different languages. But if you find a plugin that is not already translated into your local language, you can translate that plugin yourself. You don’t need to be technical in order to translate a WordPress plugin into your own language.

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How to create Facebook App and get App ID and secret

How to create Facebook App and get App ID and secret?

Creating a Facebook App is no rocket science but it just needs clean steps to follow. Before we begin the suggested steps  to create a Facebook app, the reason must be vivid. Facebook Application ID is used to integrate  with the Social Media Sharing feature and  Facebook login integration on the website, which is usually recommended for protecting the sensitive information keeping intact.

It is because the moment a a Facebook App  is created that  app will have an App ID and an App Secret. Then the  the App ID  is utilized to  send several requests to Facebook for data. And The Facebook App Secret gets enable to decode the encrypted messages from Facebook. 

So here we can dive into the easy steps for creating Facebook App Id And Get App ID And Secret.

Step 1

Go to the Facebook Developers section and login into your Facebook account, if you are not logged in already. This should not be your business account.

Facebook AP ID and Secret Key

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wordcamp kathmandu 2017 Speaker badge, wordcamp 2017 at kathmandu

My first WordCamp talk

I was following WordPress Community of Nepal on twitter since they had their first WordCamp in 2012 and was already impressed by them but when I visited I could easily see the impact of last 5 years of establishing the community there.

They had WordCamp Kathmandu now instead of Nepal, as there are a couple of others meetups groups established like WordPress Pokhara. Yes, I was invited to their monthly meet up as well after my WordCamp talk.

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